Aldevron Breakthrough Blog
100-Day Review – From Research to Clinic, and a Pet Project
May 4, 2022 / by Jeff Briganti
Insider Insights Inspire Ideas
I’ve spent most of the last 30 years in marketing and sales for molecular biology research products. During that time, I’ve been responsible for software platforms and instrumentation, but my main focus has been on reagents and consumables – nucleic acid purification, PCR, cloning tools, and so forth.
In that market, there is a company with a reputation as “scientist for scientists.” I’ve competed against them for years, never thinking of them as aggressive or overly ambitious. But they were always there. The thorn in my side, present and focused.
They’ve grown, they’ve changed. Still, their reputation remains “scientist for scientists.” I don’t have firsthand knowledge of their culture, but it’s always been a source of envy for me. I suspect they don’t have to work very hard to maintain their culture and their reputation. It’s simply who they are.
Working to help people
I joined Aldevron a little more than 100 days ago. I feel that I’ve finally landed in a company that has a similar culture to my old competitor. Now, 100 days isn’t a long time, so many of you may think, “honeymoon period.” You might be right. I don’t think so.
Everyone I’ve met here understands the importance of what we’re doing. Sure, we’re a business, and businesses have financial goals. But the conversations around the company don’t seem to be about mundane business metrics. Conversations I’ve been a part of are about serving our clients because we are working to help people, some of whom may not have other options for treating a rare disease.
On a recent, company-wide town hall, the questions weren’t about business objectives. The questions were about how many people have been treated with therapies or vaccines that Aldevron helped manufacture, and which have been brought to clinical trials or the commercial market. The overriding focus is on serving clients who help people.
Passion, talent, focus
Many companies use similar words to describe themselves, but from my first 100 days at Aldevron I believe the drive to help people is ingrained in our culture. As I transition from marketing research products to marketing clinically focused CDMO services, I believe Aldevron is that one special company in this industry, present and focused. I believe the people here are filled with tremendous passion and talent. I’m proud to be part of it and I want to share it all with you.
That’s why the Breakthrough Blog has quickly become my pet project. I’m encouraging my colleagues to share their passion, expertise, and talent with you and many others. I expect that this blog will be an eclectic mix from all aspects of Aldevron. Different writers will tell you a little bit about the topics that they’re passionate about. I hope you enjoy it. And, if you have ideas – or even if you want to contribute – I’d love to hear from you.