Codex® HiCap RNA Polymerase

in vitro transcription for advancing RNA medicine

Codex® HiCap RNA Polymerase is a co-transcriptional capping RNA polymerase engineered to produce synthetic RNA to meet increasing demands for safety and cost-effectiveness. The HiCap enzyme generates fewer undesirable double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) byproducts than wild-type T7 (WT T7) RNA polymerase, reducing unwanted immunogenicity, while efficiently incorporating commercially available cap analogs.

dsRNA byproducts

Figure 1. Significantly reduced dsRNA byproducts by Codex® HiCap RNA Polymerase. mRNAs were transcribed using either WT T7 or Codex® HiCap RNA Polymerase. After IVT was completed, total dsRNA content was quantified via sandwich ELISA using the J2 dsRNA antibody.

Download our brochure for more performance data.

Codex® HiCap RNA Polymerase vs. Wild-type T7

Codex® HiCap RNA Polymerase Wild-type T7 polymerase
Reduced dsRNA Production +++ +
Co-transcriptional capping efficiency +++ ++
IVT yields +++ +++
Manufacturing simplification +++ +
Finished Product Yield +++ +

Codex® HiCap RNA Polymerase Resources

Ordering Information

Catalog # Product Description Size
9145-250 µL Codex® HiCap RNA Polymerase 250 µl
9145-1mL Codex® HiCap RNA Polymerase 1 ml
9145-10mL Codex® HiCap RNA Polymerase 10 ml

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